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Some golf courses are open. Golf is still fun. For some of us, it’s more “home” than home, and who couldn’t use a little distraction and fresh air lately?
As long as crowd size rules and social distancing are observed, it is still safe to tee off even in the landscape of coronavirus.
To make sure that greens are safe from virus contacts, the three professional golf governing bodies have released advice for golfers and golf club operators. The Professional Golfer’s Association (PGA), British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA) and Golf Club Managers Association (GCMA), are eager to keep players and staff safe. Points of contact are the main subject observed.
Bookings, payments, and any other transactions are suggested to be settled online. Those who have symptoms of illness should stay off the course. On the course, items like flags and rakes should be kept away from golfers’ touch. Equipment sharing should be prohibited. Greenkeepers are also instructed to clean and disinfect their entire facilities regularly.
The novel coronavirus has put a considerable halt on people’s life routines, including playing sports. Amateur and professional games scheduled to roll are mostly postponed or canceled. It’s a good thing that a good number of golf courses are still open, providing you a viable option to keep yourself busy, get some fresh air, and get a little exercise to boot.
To stay safe, here are some precautions worth taking:
- Don’t take the cart
We’re cooped up, and carts are germ traps– so walking makes sense.
- Wear golf gloves
Protective gear can reduce the risk of getting your hands infected. For another layer of safety, use sanitizer before putting the gloves on. Wash your hands as much as the times you’re hitting the ball.
- Minimize close contact
Keep your social distance even while playing with family members. When expressing gratitude, use a head nod or the new fad, the Elbow Bump.
- Feeling sick? Don’t play
If you’re feeling under the weather, it’s best to stay at home. Not only does it help you get well, but it also prevents putting someone else at risk. Once you’re feeling well you can get back to hitting the fairway off the tea again.
By following precautions set, and altering some of your round routines, you can still make the most out of your game even with the current pandemic. While opportunities are available, enjoy going out in the sunshine and playing a few holes. And don’t worry because JD’s Clubs is with you to make sure you’re still in the game!
JD’s Clubs are still open and shipping as usual. From custom-fit clubs and high-performance drivers to putters and irons, we have a variety of equipment to choose from online. We make sure that necessary steps are taken to ensure that packages remain safe from the risk of possible infection. With so many fitters having had to close down, at least temporarily, we’re happy to fulfil those orders. Shoot us a message for any special requests! Call us at (763) 458-4318 or check out our product line at our website.